Monday to Friday.
Our teaching team

We are licenced for children aged 2 – 5 years, and our skilled and experienced teachers look forward to working collaboratively with you to ensure your time at Kidsfirst Kindergartens Greymouth is full of fun and learning. It is our wairua (spirit) that makes us unique, and we’re proud that when you walk through our gates you will feel and see kaiako (teachers) and ngā tamariki (children) showing respect, caring, and kindness towards others (Manaakitanga).
Inside, our kindergarten is a stunning, spacious, child-centred, modern learning environment that is accessible and engaging for all children to explore and engage in play experiences with and alongside each other. Children can choose from a wide range of resources and equipment: there are quiet, creative and imaginative play areas and learning occurs in all spaces at your child’s pace.
Kidsfirst Kindergartens Greymouth is set in spacious grounds that reflect the beautiful, natural west coast environment. We have a classic kiwi big backyard with lots of natural shade from wonderful, big trees, and our playground provides challenges and endless opportunities for curiosity and exploration.

Our skilled and experienced teaching team is committed to supporting each child to gain the ability to work, learn, and get along with others while being in a caring, stable and happy environment. Time spent at Kidsfirst Kindergartens Greymouth will help to spark and focus your child’s curiosity and natural love of learning.
You're always welcome here - community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do. We look forward to making new connections, embracing the multiculturalism and diversity of our community and having family/ whānau and community visit and take part in the children’s kindergarten day, sharing their skills and culture too.
You will see us out and about supporting our tamariki to strengthen the connection they have within their local community in their role as caretakers (kaitiaki) of our environment. Strong links with our local primary schools help to support the transition to school for you and your child, as he/she moves on from kindergarten.
We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days – building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives our teachers time to get to know your child and gives some consistency around supporting their learning.
Nau mai, tauti mai - come in any time, we’ll show you around and make you welcome!