
74 Russell Street, Terrace, Alexandra
Mobile: 021 890 610
9:00am to 3:00pm,
Monday to Friday.
2 years to school age

You’ll find our kindergarten hidden up a long driveway on Russell Street, near to The Terrace Primary School. here, we get to know each child and their family and create a learning programme based on your aspirations -  so we can support each child to reach their potential. 

Our teaching team

Kristen Ojala
Head Teacher
Bachelor of Teaching (ECE)
Diploma of Teaching (ECE)
Rose Gould
NZ Free Kindergarten Union Diploma
Jenny Wisely
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) EC
Dale Hutton
Amanda Dowling
Bachelor of Education
Diploma of Teaching (ECE)

Kidsfirst Kindergartens Terrace has a homelike feel where children can access a range of resources that are carefully and intentionally provided to provoke thinking and exploration.   This is an environment supportive of the mana, wairua and mauri that tamariki and their whānau bring to us. Tamariki are encouraged to be curious about the world around them, and respectful of the environment as they play and learn.


We believe that some of the richest learning opportunities happen outside, so our beautiful, big backyard is busy throughout the day, providing opportunities for children to learn to take risks, problem solve, communicate, develop physical skills and work together.  We have mature trees, which children are allowed and encouraged to climb, and there’s lots of space for children to explore and challenge themselves, all while having fun!

Our programme is based on research showing that children under the age of six learn best through play.  You'll see we have large collections of natural resources, pipes, pieces of cardboard, boxes, planks – lots of bits and pieces.  This is our collection of “Loose Parts”, an integral part of our programme. When children use loose parts in their play they are being creative, collaborative, they are problem solving, and learning to think diversely.  They are inventors, engineers, mathematicians, builders, artists… the list is endless.  So are the opportunities for learning!


You're always welcome here -community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do.  At Kidsfirst Kindergartens The Terrace we have a collaborative learning community, where whānau/ families are  included along our early learning journey. We love it when whānau come in to share their skills, knowledge, language and culture with us - enriching our programme.


We have strong links with our local primary school, The Terrace, which supports the transition to school for you and your child, as he/she moves on from Kindergarten.


You’ll see us out and about on adventures into our community- exploring the nearby rail trail is a favourite -   supporting our tamariki to strengthen the connection they have within their local community and exploring their role as caretakers (kaitiaki) of our environment.


We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days –building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives us, the teachers time to get to know your child and provides consistency around supporting their learning.


Nau mai, tauti mai - come in any time, we are very proud of our unique learning environment and would love to show you around.  Kidsfirst Kindergartens The Terrace is a wonderful place to learn!

From time to time we have special offers, to enable more children to come to our not-for-profit, community kindergarten. But hurry, spaces are limited and these offers only apply for a limited time. Conditions apply.





Kidsfirst Kindergartens, PO Box 8089, Christchurch 8440
Christchurch Content Mangement Website