Monday to Friday.
Our teaching team

Inside is warm and filled with natural light, providing a calm, open, expansive and inspiring learning environment with areas set up for children to explore and engage in play experiences with and alongside each other. Children can choose from a wide range of resources and equipment: there are quiet, creative and imaginative play areas. Learning happens everywhere at the child’s own pace.
Our beautiful, big backyard promotes the children's interactions with nature, and our wide open spaces provide the opportunities for children to challenge and grow their physical capabilities through active exploration. A calm, yet busy environment exists here with grass, barked areas, gardens, and equipment specially designed to support children’s physical growth and development. Our backyard space excites curiosity with natural discoveries, changing seasons and the insects and birds which reside here.

At Kidsfirst Kindergartens Shirley, tamariki are encouraged to make their own choices and take responsibility for their learning in a supportive, safe environment. They can learn to take risks, develop independence, work alongside each other, respect diversity and problem solve. We actively support children’s learning, their interests, skills and abilities, acknowledging and valuing every person in our kindergarten as a teacher and learner.
You're always welcome here - community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do. We look forward to making new connections, embracing the multiculturalism and diversity of our community. Building trusting, caring and respectful relationships with whānau/families over time is key to our success in supporting and facilitating children’s learning. Parents and whānau contribute in many ways, with discussions about their aspirations for children, spending time with us in session, sharing their knowledge and strengths, languages and cultures with kaiako/teachers and children, and enriching our programme.
You’ll often see us out and about exploring our community and helping the children to make sense of their place in it. We have strong relationships with the local schools, supporting you and your child to transition to school.
We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days –building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives our teachers time to really get to know your child and gives consistency around supporting their learning.
Nau mai, tauti mai - come in any time – we’ll show you around and make you welcome!
From time to time we have special offers, to enable more children to come to our not-for-profit, community kindergarten. But hurry, spaces are limited and these offers only apply for a limited time. Conditions apply.