Monday to Friday.
Our teaching team

Inside, Kidsfirst Kindergartens McKenzie is spacious with lots of natural light and large spaces for children to work and play in. We base our programme on the New Zealand early childhood curriculum “Te Whāriki”, which strengthens early learning and lays a strong foundation for later success. Our teachers plan the programme and focus areas around the children, and their whānau aspirations for them, with tamariki contributing to the planning process, giving them a sense of ownership and a voice.
Ko te piko o te mahuri, tera te tupu o te rakau
The way the sapling is shaped determines how the tree will grow
Our beautiful, big backyard is an integral part of our programme, with large, established trees providing a wonderful shade canopy in the summer. Our playground provides lots of opportunities for physical challenges such as climbing trees, and equipment specially designed to support children’s physical growth and development – building strength and confidence. We enjoy fruit and vegetables grown here and have a native garden which provides opportunities for children to connect with nature with lots of opportunities for exploration and adventure in amongst a variety of native trees and shrubs.

Kidsfirst Kindergartens McKenzie is made up of a rich tapestry of cultures who come together in this special place to share and celebrate our strengths and differences, it's a welcoming environment where children feel a sense of belonging, respecting others and their natural world.
Education for sustainability and place-based education are at the heart of our programme, exploring how to engage in sustainable practices and nurture our precious environment, engaging with the natural world. This develops each child’s ability to understand the complexity and wonder of the world they live in, and enhance their connections with nature.
You're always welcome here - community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do. We value the relationships we build with our whānau/families, and look forward to making new connections, embracing the multiculturalism and diversity of our community. Family and whānau spend lots of time in our kindergarten and are always welcome to contribute in whatever way they feel comfortable, to share their skills and interests with the children to extend their learning.
We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days –building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives us, the teachers time to get to know your child and provides consistency around supporting their learning.
Nau mai, tauti mai -come in any time, we are very proud of our unique learning environment and would love to show you around. Kidsfirst Kindergartens McKenzie is a wonderful place to learn!
From time to time we have special offers, to enable more children to come to our not-for-profit, community kindergarten. But hurry, spaces are limited and these offers only apply for a limited time. Conditions apply.