Vickery St
Monday to Friday.
Our teaching team

Inside is light and warm with areas set up for children to explore and engage in play experiences with and alongside each other. Children can choose from a wide range of resources and equipment: there are quiet, creative and imaginative play areas. Learning happens everywhere at the child’s pace.
A calm, yet busy environment exists in our beautiful, big backyard with grass, barked areas, gardens, and equipment specially designed to support children’s physical growth and development. Tamariki choose from and learn to use a range of real resources such as saws, hammers, nails, gardening equipment, spades and shovels, learning about managing risk and making safe choices. Our backyard space excites curiosity with natural discoveries, changing seasons and the insects and birds which reside here.

Our teaching team is proud to provide a programme for children aged 2 – 5 years where we foster a strong sense of belonging by encouraging children to show Manaakitanga- caring for each other, and Kaitiakitanga, by caring for our environment. We’re here to support children’s learning, their interests, skills and abilities, acknowledging and valuing every person in this place as a teacher and learner.
At Vickery St we have a collaborative learning community, where whānau/ families are viewed as significant partners, and included along our early learning journey. We regularly have visitors from around our community and the tamariki are always so proud of their kindergarten as they welcome these people in. We love the richness that our whānau and visitors bring to our programme.
You're always welcome here - community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do. We regularly hold family/whanau events both social and fundraising, and see families building relationships that continue outside of the kindergarten, ka pai!
Each week we have our “Whānau Time” session. On a Tuesday morning from 9am to 10.30am we welcome infants, toddlers and young children and their families into our kindergarten. This is an open session where anyone with young children can come to meet others, while their young ones play and learn alongside the kindergarten children.
And you’ll see us out and about visiting in Kaiapoi - our town, supporting our tamariki to strengthen the connection they have with their local community and exploring this setting in our role as caretakers (kaitiaki) of our environment. We walk to a local park and do rubbish collecting which gives the tamariki a sense of responsibility beyond the kindergarten gate. Strong links with our local primary schools help to support the transition to school for you and your child, as he/she moves on from kindergarten.
We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days –building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives us, the teachers time to get to know your child and provides consistency around supporting their learning.
Nau mai, tauti mai - come in any time, we are very proud of our unique learning environment and would love to show you around. Kidsfirst Kindergartens Vickery St is a wonderful place to learn!
From time to time we have special offers, to enable more children to come to our not-for-profit, community kindergarten. But hurry, spaces are limited and these offers only apply for a limited time. Conditions apply.