Cotswold Avenue

62 Cotswold Ave, Bishopdale, Christchurch
Mobile: 021 759 817
8:45am to 2:45pm,
Monday to Friday.
2 years to school age

You will find our kindergarten in the heart of Bishopdale, a big and beautiful, leafy place right next door to Cotswold Primary School.

Our teaching team

Kylee Martin
Head Teacher
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
Post Graduate Diploma Specialist Teaching (Early Intervention)
Zoe McFadden
Bachelor of Teaching (ECE)
Laura Bolderston
Graduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning
Emily Scott
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning (ECE)
Helen Davey
On Leave
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
NZ Free Kindergarten Union Diploma

Our backyard is ideal for curious learners and creative imaginations, with a variety of challenging climbing and physical play equipment for active explorers.  Large play spaces and equipment specially designed to support children’s physical growth and development are features.  Tamariki choose from and learn to use a range of real resources such as saws, hammers, nails, gardening equipment, spades and shovels, learning about managing risk and making safe choices.   There’s space for running, jumping, climbing, swinging and exploring as well as peaceful places to connect with nature, and make sense of our natural world.


Rongo, Haumia, and Tawhirimatea, stand proud in our garden reminding us of our commitment to educate ngā tamariki about their contribution to the natural world.   We use innovative methods to teach our children about sustainable practices and becoming citizens for positive action, caring for all things living, and being kaitiaki (guardians) of our environment.

Tamariki here connect with other children and learn through play, working alongside each other, making choices that engage them with the people, the places and the things of our environment and community.  We offer an inclusive programme that encourages risk-taking and supports the emergent interests of our tamariki. Learning occurs in all spaces at the child’s pace, acknowledging the mana, wairua and mauri our tamariki bring when they come to us. Tamariki are encouraged to be mindful of and inspired by the world around them, and respectful of the environment they play and learn in.


At Kidsfirst Kindergartens Cotswold we are all about the people – tamariki, whānau, kaiako, and community – all helping children to grow up as competent and confident individuals.  We are a community of learners where adults and children learn together (Ako me te Tuakana Teina) and where links between kindergarten and home are valued - you're always welcome here!


Community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do and look forward to making new connections, embracing the multiculturalism and diversity of our community and having whanau share their skills and interests with the children to extend their learning. 


You’ll often see us out and about exploring the local community,  learning more about our place in it. Visits to our local schools provide opportunities for the children to develop an understanding of the school setting, and give an insight into the expectations and routines to support their transition. 


We would recommend that you enrol initially  for at least two full days –building up to five days at your child's pace.  This gives our teachers time to get to know your child and build a relationship, and gives some consistency around supporting their learning.  


Nau mai, Tauti mai - come in any time, we are very proud of our unique learning environment and we'd love to show you around.  Kidsfirst Kindergartens Cotswold is a wonderful place to learn!

Kidsfirst Kindergartens, PO Box 8089, Christchurch 8440
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