Rutland St
Monday to Friday.
Our teaching team

Inside, tamariki can access a range of resources that are carefully and intentionally presented to ignite thinking and exploration, and the earning occurs in all spaces at the child’s pace, acknowledging the mana, wairua and mauri our tamariki bring when they come to us. Tamariki are encouraged to be mindful of and inspired by the world around them, and respectful of the environment they play and learn in. Kaiako ensure that the programme is flexible and unstructured so that tamariki can lead and work in partnership with others. Children’s work is displayed with pride so they can revisit and celebrate their own learning.
Our beautiful, big backyard, surrounded by well-established trees, is a natural space that provides lots of opportunities to try new things, takes risks, inspire curiosity and develop creativity through play. We work to provide an atmosphere full of fun in an environment that gives our children independence and sense of belonging. Children have the opportunity to learn about and care for the natural environment and the living world through exploration, curiosity and hand-on experiences within the garden.

Ngā kaiako (teachers) here at Kidsfirst Kindergartens Rutland St are responsive to the interests, strengths and capabilities of all children aged 2 – 5 years. We get to know our children and their whānau well, fostering respectful relationships to help and support our tamariki succeed with their learning. We foster sustainable practices both within the kindergarten and in the community to create a passion for care and respect of the natural world, promoting kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of our world.
You're always welcome here - community and connectedness are at the heart of what we do. We value the relationships we build with our whānau/families, and look forward to making new connections. We love it when whānau come to visit, sharing their skills, knowledge, language and culture with us and enriching our programme.
You’ll often see us out and about in our community, using the opportunity to help our tamariki make connections to the wider community, and supporting them to make sense of their place in it in their role as kaitiaki (guardians). We have strong links with our local primary schools, which supports the transition to school for you and your child, as he/she moves on from Kindergarten.
We would recommend that you enrol initially for at least two full days –building up to five days at your child's pace. This gives us, the teachers time to get to know your child and provides consistency around supporting their learning.
Nau mai, tauti mai - come in any time, we are very proud of our unique learning environment and would love to show you around. Kidsfirst Kindergartens Rutland St is a wonderful place to learn!
From time to time we have special offers, to enable more children to come to our not-for-profit, community kindergarten. But hurry, spaces are limited and these offers only apply for a limited time. Conditions apply.